About Kat

Hi I’m Kat! I am a long time creative and became a professional tog during my second maternity leave. I have always loved taking pictures and since having my own babies (pictured with me below!) I have completely re-appreciated the importance of capturing the moments in time with them, year on year, with the people who are most important to you! 

BUT! I also realised, it was expensive and not always in reach for people OR even the thought of it created stress from many angles. Hence why I created my business with the intent of giving people like myself, photoshoot options which are affordable, quick if you need them to be, and easy/low fuss if all you want is a few simple pictures to capture this moment in time.

I want you to be able to afford to do it year on year, when the grandparents or loved ones are visiting, or when someone turns a milestone age. 

When you come on a shoot with me, we go with the flow, we don’t strive for perfection, we don’t try to be like anyone else, we let the kids lead us and we just have fun. Leave your preconceptions at the door and let’s just see what magic we can create when you relax and enjoy it, which I'm sure you will more than you think!

Drop me a note or book directly and we can chat away and plan an experience to suit you and your family. I can’t wait to meet you!